Do you need to know programming to work as an auditor?


I get this question lately a lot. My answer to this is Yes, profound Yes. Without programming knowledge, you wouldn't know what parts of the system to check, how to check them, etc. In Ethereum, you have few options to chose from.

Solidity is the most popular smart contract language for EVM. Vyper is second. We have the three most popular frameworks that help develop smart contracts. Truffle, Hardhat, and Brownie. The first two are based on JS and Brownie on Python.

There's no say which one is better to learn. To be honest, if you learn any of them, you will be golden, and only your career can go further. Javascript is almost everywhere. Python is easy to learn and fun to write in. I would suggest you try both and see which one is better suited for you. Which one do you enjoy more? This way it will be much easier for you to learn it.

Learning Solidity is the second step. It's important to know it if you want to go into Smart Contract development. You can learn more about how to learn it from my previous blog post.

How to start in Blockchain as a Dev?
As a software developer, you have by far the most possibilities for professional growth and opportunities. No matter in which direction you want to go, either as a Full DApp developer, Smart Contract Developer, FrontEnd/BackEnd, Protocol Engineer, etc. I will recommend the same start for any of you.…

But as I said in another post. If you're serious about becoming a smart contract auditor, you need to learn the basics well. That includes programming, Blockchain, Solidity, EVM.

Learn that well, and maybe one day we could be working together.

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