Recharging Batteries

I planned to write about remote work or my thoughts on the latest Bitcoin Taproot update, but as I’m sitting in front of the computer, looking at the blank screen. I can’t find the strength to do it.

It’s not that I don’t want to write about it, but as you may notice in the past few weeks, I’ve constantly been working late, I’ve been sick (common cold) and didn’t had time just to rest and fully recover. I have a wife I love spending time with, but recently, I’ve been working so long and doing a lot of paperwork for the mortgage loan we’re taking, I’ve lost track of time, and we haven’t spent that much time together. I’m changing that now, and I had much-needed rest days for a long time. We’ve just finished watching Cruella (marvelous scenery, music, and creations), and I was happy I didn’t need to worry about work.

Tomorrow I’m back with regular writing, but I wanted to let you know it’s fine to take breaks and admit to yourself that you’re tired. I need my batteries recharged. I love too much writing on my blog to stop. As I said initially, this is documentation of my journey through 100 days of blogging. Sometimes days look like this where you don’t have the strength to do bat shit.

Chill a bit, take a rest, do what you love, and recharge your batteries.

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See you tomorrow!